Conference Program Phenomenology and Personal Identity II

Friday, November 8 (Jana Palacha 2, room 104)

9:30-10:15 Steven G. Crowell (Rice University, Houston, USA), On What Matters: Personal Identity as a Phenomenological Problem

10:30-11:15 Julia Jansen (KU Leuven, Belgium), Transcendental Idealism and the Self

11:30-12:15 Wolfgang Fasching (University of Vienna, Austria), The I. A Dimensional Account

Lunch break

14:30–15:15 Katja Crone (TU Dortmund, Germany), The Self-Understanding of Persons beyond Narrativity

15:30–16:15 Simone Neuber (University of Heidelberg, Germany), Dimensions of Selfhood between a ‘Minimal‘ and a ‘Narrative‘ self – a Sartrean Perspective

16:30–17:15 Petr Prášek (Charles University, Prague), Personal Identity and Events


Saturday, November 9 (AKC, Husova 4a)

9:30–10:15 Zachary Davis (St. John‘s University, New York, USA), Max Scheler on the Layers of Self

10:30-11:15 Christian Sternad (University of Landau/Charles University, Prague), When Time Becomes Personal. Aging and Personal Identity

11:30-12:15 Maren Wehrle (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), ‘Bodies (that) matter’: Norms, Identity and the Role of Habit Formation

Lunch break

14:30–15:15 Dan Zahavi (Copenhagen, Denmark/Oxford University, GB), Locked-In Syndrome: a Challenge to Standard Accounts of Selfhood and Personhood?

15:30–16:15 Dakota Root (ENS, Paris, France), Digital Account: the Relation of Online Presence to the Narrative Self

16:30–17:00 Sophie Loidolt (Darmstadt University, Germany) and Jakub Èapek (Charles University, Prague), Concluding Remarks and Final Discussion